Embryo transfer red
Aberdeen Angus US Genetics
2022 - Fulfillment of my great wish for red AA US genetics via embryo transfer
Embryo Transfer - Creating new genetics and opportunities in the red Aberdeen Angus breed.
This thought has occupied me for a long time. In search of suitable genetics, I decided to import unique red Aberdeen Angus genetics from the USA via embryo transfer in order to enhance the genetic diversity in Germany.
I've spent weeks researching the internet to find matching red AA genetics in the US. The development of the strategy for the implementation of the embryo transfer also took weeks. In the meantime, I have been looking for suitable carrier animals and accommodation options, as I simply said that they are not available from home. In the end I found the perfect solution and I'm really happy about the trust placed in me. Without the consent of the owner, who makes the carrier animals available, it would not be possible to implement my entire project.
Back to the topic of "embryo transfer". at Will Andras from Manchester, Illinois I finally found what I was looking for. It is all the more gratifying that this breeding facility fully complies with the current legal regulations for the export of embryos. Will Andras has outstanding expertise in Aberdeen Angus breeding. Andras Pineta E011 is made available exclusively for embryo transfer. I am very grateful to Will Andras for supporting this logistically complex procedure.
Andra 's Stock Farm has impressive, numerous and breeding successes in the Red Angus breed. They have a National Champion Bull, a Reserve National Champion Bull, two Grand Champion Bulls on the NAILE, a Grand Champion Cow on the NAILE, a Champion Pen with three heifers on the NWSS, and numerous Division and Progeny Champions on the most notable Red Angus shows such as the Iowa State Fair, Louisville (NAILE). There are currently around 180 cows calving on the farm and another 80 via cooperative herds. They rely on extensive AI and ETs (embryo laboratory on the farm).
If luck is on our side, the first embryo transfer calves will be born in 2023.
I would like to sincerely thank my supporters, without their supportive and positive open-mindedness this project would not be possible.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.
I am in a constant learning process when it comes to "embryo transfer" and would be happy if like-minded people would contact me. So far I'm the only one at my regulars' table :-D
Many greetings
This page is updated at irregular intervals.
Status: 04/30/2022
Zwei Bullen aus dem Embryotransfer geb. 2023.

Körung 8/8/8 bereits verkauft

Körung 9/8/8 befindet sich in meinem Besitz. Bei Fragen melden Sie sich gerne.

Körung 8/8/8 bereits verkauft

Ich hole diese vielversprechende Genetik mittels Embryotransfer nach Schleswig-Holstein in Deutschland.

Bullendaten für den Embryotransfer

Ich hole diese vielversprechende Genetik mittels Embryotransfer nach Schleswig-Holstein in Deutschland.
Pineta E011´Bullen werden in erfolgreichen namenhaften Zuchtbetrieben in den USA eingesetzt

Verkauf findet im April 2023 statt

Gekauft im April 2022 von Sugar Creek Red Angus, Kentucky

Gekauft in 04/2020 von CCC Cattle Company, Missouri.

Verkauf findet im April 2023 statt
Alle diese Bullen - des jeweiligen Jahrgangs - gehören zur angestrebten Spitzenklasse und wurden beim Bullenverkauf aus offensichtlichen Gründen sehr erfolgreich vermarktet.
Darüber hinaus präsentiert PinetaE011 ein außergewöhnliches outcross Pedigree, von diesem auch erfolgreiche (schwarze) Angus-Bullen wie H S A F Bando 1961 und Boyd New Day 8005 stammen.
Ihr Vater, 5L Bourne 117-48A, hat sich als erstklassiger sowie korrekter Vererber erwiesen.
Mütterlicherseits bestätigt sie die nachhaltige und beeindruckende Blut-Linie der Pineta-Kühe. Zu dieser Kuhfamilie gehört die arrivierte Andras Pineta B73, Mutter von Andras Thunder R196, Herdenbulle bei der großen Sonstegard Cattle Company, Minnesota.

Andras Thunder R196, Sonstegard Cattle Company, Minnesota.
Information on embryo transfer:
All formalities are coordinated - now it starts :-)
05/04/2022 - Today Pineta was stabled at the trans ova genetics station.